African Leather and Textile
Who says exhibiting is only for large companies and brands
Welcome to the African Leather and Textile
African Leather and Textile
The African leather industry is an important strategic sector for the economic and industrial development of many African countries. It has an abundant and renewable resource base in Africa’s large population of cows, sheep and goats. It is labour-intensive with the potential to be a major source of employment all along its supply chain. African countries have 20% of the world’s cattle, sheep and goats, but produce only 14.9% of world output of hides and skins. They have 10% of the world’s cattle but produce only 4.5% of bovine hides.
“Jerusalem is well-positioned to serve as a gateway for African companies that are looking for growth opportunities and easy access to expand their footprint in the GCC, Asia, and Europe,”
- H.E. Hamad Buamim
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