Discover more about African Mining Business
Welcome to the Africa Mineral Show
African Mining Show Jerusalem
The mineral industry of Africa is the largest mineral industry in the world. Africa is the second largest continent, with 11.73 million miles of land, which implies large quantities of resources. With a population of 1.216 billion living there. For many African countries, mineral exploration and production constitute significant parts of their economies and remain keys to economic growth. Africa is richly endowed with mineral reserves and ranks first or second in quantity of world reserves of bauxite, cobalt, industrial diamond, phosphate rock, platinum-group metals (PGM), vermiculite, and zirconium.
“Jerusalem is well-positioned to serve as a gateway for African companies that are looking for growth opportunities and easy access to expand their footprint in the GCC, Asia, and Europe,”
- H.E. Hamad Buamim
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